Who can apply for a trademark registration?
The applicant can be a person, company, proprietor or legal entity. The applicant is not required to run a business.
What are trademark classes?
When applying for a trademark, you must specify the goods and services that the trademark is to cover.
Goods and services are divided into 45 classes. Classes 1-34 contain goods and classes 35-45 contain services.
What should I check before filing a trademark application?
Before filing a trademark application, you need to make sure that your trademark has distinctive character and is not in risk of being confused with other trademarks.
How do I know if my trademark has distinctive character?
A trademark's most important function is to distinguish the goods and services from goods and services sold by other companies.
A trademark must not merely describe the goods and services sold under the mark. Words commonly used within the industry to describe the goods and services cannot be registered.
For example, COLD AND CREAMY is descriptive for ice cream, but APPLE can be trademarked in terms of smartphones and computers, as an apple is not descriptive for consumer electronics.
How do I know if my trademark is already taken or in risk being confused with other trademarks?
You can check if the same or similar trademarks are registered by searching in Nordic Trademarks’ database.